
rt rev margot whitney

Rt. Rev. Margot Whitney



The Right Reverend Margot Whitney is President of the Board of Directors of the Holy Order of MANS. She lives in Northern California with her husband, Hamid Emami. Margot has regularly held Sunday Services, meditations, and Tarot Classes in her home for over twenty years. Her website,, and her YouTube channel, Gates of Light – Tarot, are comprehensive and up-to-date tutorials on Tarot symbology, including the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the Cube of Space.



Rt. Rev. Michael Maciel


The Right Reverend Michael Maciel is Vice-president of the Board of Directors of the Holy Order of MANS. He lives in Northern California. Michael is the author of two books, The Five Vows and World Priest, both available on Amazon. He also writes a blog on, has multiple Facebook groups, including Soul Watch and the Holy Order of MANS Virtual Classroom and has a YouTube channel called the Mystical Christ with Michael Maciel.