Book: Stars of Heaven (Astrology)

Stars of Heaven: Mystical Astrology

stars of heaven mystical astrology award

Stars of Heaven: Mystical Astrology has been named among the best in mind, body, and spirit books by the 2024 COVR Visionary Awards.

The purpose of this book is not to show you how to set up or read a horoscope. Such information can be found in many books. But here we seek to help you get acquainted with the feeling and personality of signs and planets and their underlying symbology. We assure you that although astrological charts place the earth at the center of the wheel, this does not render them invalid, for an average man or woman is the center of his or her own universe. Only when we pass beyond the self-centered area of consciousness to become a solar-oriented being, a Sun-Son, do we move off the wheel of earth’s Karma to join with the great Identity at the center of the solar system.


  • 166 pages, illustrated, paperback, $20
  • Kindle & Ebook, $9.99

Paperback and Kindle editions are available on Amazon. Paperback and Ebook editions are available on and wherever books are sold. You can also find the Ebook on your favorite Ebook platform!