The Discovery is the adventure story of a young man who has heard about a mysterious place hidden in the California Sierra Madre Mountains. He visited these mountains on many occasions before, but now his quest is quite different.
Join him as he opens a passage to a valley he has never seen before. Guided there by an enigmatic dwarf, he discovers a mystic group of Teachers and Adepts who are willing to share with him how they live. The treasures that they reveal change his life forever.
The Holy Order of MANS is a mystic Order dedicated to teaching the esoteric foundations of our world religions. Historically this esoteric knowledge has remained a secret, given to a few. We are now in the Internet Age where all knowledge is freely available, so the time has come to speak more openly of the deeper truths of antiquity.
140 pages, illustrated, paperback, $20
Kindle & Ebook, $9.99
Audiobook, $0.99-$6.04
Paperback, Kindle and Audiobook editions available on Amazon & Audible. Paperback also available on IngramSpark.
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