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Friends and Partners – Sermon Layout

20 Jul

Rt. Rev. Cynthia Coate-Ray

Cynthia is an ordained priest and master teacher. She is a pioneer in the search for an egalitarian spirituality that honors both the masculine and feminine…

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20 Jul

Rt. Rev. Josephine Shaffer

Josephine Shaffer was one of the earliest members of the Holy Order of MANS and for many years was a special assistant to Father Paul.

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20 Jul

Rt. Rev. Mark Earlix

Sensitive, open, and uncensored, Mark uses his gift of healing to see into the source of pain, emotional traumas, and physical diseases and conditions.

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14 Jul

Order of the Mystical Christ

The Order of the Mystical Christ brings modern psychology to the practice of Mystical Christianity.

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14 Jul

Rt. Rev. Matthias Dominic Indra

Ask anyone who knows him and they will tell you that Matthias is all heart. He is a wise and compassionate soul.

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The Holy Order of MANS is an alliance of priests, ministers, teachers, and laypersons—dedicated to teaching and living the Ancient Mystery Teachings in today’s world. We are Friends and Partners because we value and respect each others’ ministries, and it is our sole purpose to band together in mutual spiritual support.

Some of our Friends and Partners are engaged in public ministries, others are not. Some have students, while others work privately, serving through prayer and meditation for the advancement of all beings. Some are healers, some are teachers, and some simply strive to bring more light, life, and love into the world through their chosen occupations. The important thing is that we assert together the presence of God in the world, so that all people may live in peace and grow closer to God in a world filled with love and sustainable, life-affirming activity.

Ours is a community of Spirit. We recognize that it is through the movement of the Spirit that this world is changed—transformed—and it is to this transformation that we are committed.