Book: Jewels of the Wise

Jewels of the Wise: Self-Mastery Through the Tarot

jewels of the wise: self-mastery through the tarot

Jewels of the Wise: Self-Mastery Through the Tarot reveals to you the wisdom contained in the Tarot Keys and the Tree of Life. Together they represent the Path of Initiation and depict the workings of mind and soul on the Way of Enlightenment. Each Key represents a Hebrew letter, an idea, and a chapter in your life. Working with the Keys will give you an understanding of each Key, and then using various combinations of the Keys, will lead you to a recognition and then a knowing of the laws of the universe and how they are established.

This comprehensive book offers the reality of the Esoteric Tarot in a clear and straightforward way, with full-size, color pictures of the major arcana tarot cards. It covers the twenty-two Tarot Keys, the Cabala, and the Tree of Life. Chapters also include Letters, Origins and Alchemy.

“One gem from many facets blazes fire,
One Light paints sacred scenes of stained-glass hue;
To just One Truth do many faiths aspire—
There is One Way, but many paths thereto.”


  • 220 pages, paperback, illustrated, $27.00
  • Kindle and Ebook, $9.99

Paperback and Kindle editions are available on Amazon. Paperback available on and wherever books are sold. Look for the ebook on your favorite ebook platform!