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Sending You Wishes of Joy, Peace and Blessings This Holy Season!

Sending You Wishes of Joy, Peace and Blessings This Holy Season!

holy order of mans holiday gifts

Thank you for following us and attending our classes this past year on (where you’ll find our Zoom classes), (where you’ll find our school Curriculum),, Rt. Rev. Margot Whitney, Rt. Rev. Michael Maciel, The Alchemical Cabala, and the Holy Order of MANS Book Club.

Also, thank you for following us on YouTube (click to see links to all YouTube sites) on Holy Order of MANS, Gates of Light-Tarot, the Alchemical Cabala and Michael Maciel. Please “Like” and “Subscribe” whenever you are on any of our sites!

The Holiday Season is upon us and if you are looking for that special book to give as a gift to your family and friends, now is the time! We’ve updated our section “What Are We Reading” on our Holy Order of website so as to make it easier for you to purchase our books, with pricing listed, from several sources.

Here is an example description from the Holy Order Of MANS’ latest book called The Discovery:


  • 140 pages, illustrated, paperback, $20
  • Kindle & Ebook, $9.99
  • Audiobook, $0.99-$6.04

Paperback, Kindle and Audiobook editions available on Amazon & Audible. Paperback also available on IngramSpark.

Paperback and Ebook editions available on and wherever books are sold. Can’t find it at your local bookstore? Tell them to order it from Ingram!

You can also find the Ebook on your favorite Ebook platform including Apple Books, Kobo, Everand, and more.

The audiobook is available from Audible, Apple BooksGoogle Play, Spotify, Nook Audiobooks, Baker & Taylor, Everand, Kobo and many more. Check your favorite audiobook platform!

The Holy Order of MANS is a mystic Order dedicated to teaching the esoteric foundations of our world religions. Historically this esoteric knowledge has remained a secret, given to a few. We are now in the Internet Age where all knowledge is freely available, so the time has come to speak more openly of the deeper truths of antiquity.

Please “Like” and “Subscribe” whenever you are on any of our Web and YouTube sites so as to increase our visibility! Much appreciated!

We offer all of our classes and the use of the information on our websites for free but would really appreciate any donation, whatever amount, which would help us to maintain our websites and publish our books. The HOOM Directors are not paid for their work. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious organization so all donations are tax deductible. Thank you! Look forward to seeing you in 2025!


Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev on Unsplash

Author: Rt. Rev. Margot Whitney

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