The Holy Order of MANS is a mystic Order dedicated to teaching the esoteric foundations of our world religions. Historically this esoteric knowledge has remained a secret, given to a few. We are now in the Internet Age where all knowledge is freely available, so the time has come to speak more openly of the deeper Read more
Please join Rev. Theresa Summa for her new HOOM Book Club gathering beginning this February 20th. She’s picked Awaken the Healer Within, A Guide to Total Mind & Body Healing, […]Read more
The Golden Force by Earl W. Blighton published by the Holy Order of MANS is now on Audible at Amazon. The Golden Force is considered a primer, or elementary textbook, which […]Read more
Now is your best chance to find the Holy Order of MANS’ eBook collection including The Golden Force, Stars of Heaven Mystical Astrology, Keystone of the Tarot with Meditations, and Jewels of the Wise Self-Mastery Through […]Read more